161 research outputs found

    Non-Malleable Extractors and Codes, with their Many Tampered Extensions

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    Randomness extractors and error correcting codes are fundamental objects in computer science. Recently, there have been several natural generalizations of these objects, in the context and study of tamper resilient cryptography. These are seeded non-malleable extractors, introduced in [DW09]; seedless non-malleable extractors, introduced in [CG14b]; and non-malleable codes, introduced in [DPW10]. However, explicit constructions of non-malleable extractors appear to be hard, and the known constructions are far behind their non-tampered counterparts. In this paper we make progress towards solving the above problems. Our contributions are as follows. (1) We construct an explicit seeded non-malleable extractor for min-entropy klog2nk \geq \log^2 n. This dramatically improves all previous results and gives a simpler 2-round privacy amplification protocol with optimal entropy loss, matching the best known result in [Li15b]. (2) We construct the first explicit non-malleable two-source extractor for min-entropy knnΩ(1)k \geq n-n^{\Omega(1)}, with output size nΩ(1)n^{\Omega(1)} and error 2nΩ(1)2^{-n^{\Omega(1)}}. (3) We initiate the study of two natural generalizations of seedless non-malleable extractors and non-malleable codes, where the sources or the codeword may be tampered many times. We construct the first explicit non-malleable two-source extractor with tampering degree tt up to nΩ(1)n^{\Omega(1)}, which works for min-entropy knnΩ(1)k \geq n-n^{\Omega(1)}, with output size nΩ(1)n^{\Omega(1)} and error 2nΩ(1)2^{-n^{\Omega(1)}}. We show that we can efficiently sample uniformly from any pre-image. By the connection in [CG14b], we also obtain the first explicit non-malleable codes with tampering degree tt up to nΩ(1)n^{\Omega(1)}, relative rate nΩ(1)/nn^{\Omega(1)}/n, and error 2nΩ(1)2^{-n^{\Omega(1)}}.Comment: 50 pages; see paper for full abstrac

    Unclonable Cryptography with Unbounded Collusions

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    Quantum no-cloning theorem gives rise to the intriguing possibility of quantum copy protection where we encode a program in a quantum state such that a user in possession of k such states cannot create k + 1 working copies. Introduced by Aaronson (CCC 09) over a decade ago, copy protection has proven to be notoriously hard to achieve. In this work, we construct public-key encryption and functional encryption schemes whose secret keys are copy-protected against unbounded collusions in the plain model (i.e. without any idealized oracles), assuming (post-quantum) subexponentially secure iO, one-way functions and LWE. This resolves a long-standing open question of constructing fully collusion-resistant copy-protected functionalities raised by multiple previous works. Prior to our work, copy-protected functionalities were known only in restricted collusion models where either an a-priori bound on the collusion size was needed, in the plain model with the same assumptions as ours (Liu, Liu, Qian, Zhandry [TCC 22]), or adversary was only prevented from doubling their number of working programs, in a structured quantum oracle model (Aaronson [CCC 09]). We obtain our results through a novel technique which uses identity-based encryption to construct unbounded collusion resistant copy-protection schemes from 1-to-2 secure schemes. This is analogous to the technique of using digital signatures to construct full-fledged quantum money from single banknote schemes1 (Lutomirski et al. [ICS 09], Farhi et al. [ITCS 12], Aaronson and Christiano [STOC 12]). We believe our technique is of independent interest. Along the way, we also construct a puncturable functional encryption scheme whose master secret key can be punctured at all functions f such that f (m0) != f (m1). This might also be of independent interest

    Construction and Traversal of Hash Chain with Public Links

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    Current hash chain traversal techniques require that the intermediate links of the hash chain be stored secretly on a trusted storage. This requirement is undesirable in several applications. We propose a new construction of hash chains based on inserting a ‘breakpoint’ after fixed number of links in the chain. We also propose a method with which the current hash chain traversal techniques can be applied to our construction without any significant changes in the storage and computation requirements and with the added advantage that the intermediate links may be stored on a public and non-trusted storage. We are also able to prove the security of our construction by replacing the hash function with a MAC function

    How To Re-initialize a Hash Chain

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    Hash Chains are used extensively in various cryptographic systems such as one-time passwords, server supported signatures, secure address resolution, certificate revocation, micropayments etc. However, currently they suffer from the limitation that they have a finite number of links which when exhausted requires the system to be re-initialized. In this paper, we present a new kind of hash chain which we call a Re-initializable Hash Chain (RHC). A RHC has the property that if its links are exhausted, it can be securely re-initialized in a non-repudiable manner to result in another RHC. This process can be continued indefinitely to give rise to an infinite length hash chain, or more precisely, an infinite number of finite length hash chains tied together. Finally we illustrate how a conventional hash chain (CHC) may be profitable replaced with a RHC in cryptographic systems

    Overcoming Cryptographic Impossibility Results using Blockchains

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    Blockchain technology has the potential to disrupt how cryptography is done. In this work, we propose to view blockchains as an enabler , much like indistinguishability obfuscation (Barak et al., CRYPTO 2001, Garg et al., FOCS 2013, and Sahai and Waters, STOC 2014) or one-way functions, for building a variety of cryptographic systems. Our contributions in this work are as follows: 1. A Framework for Proof-of-Stake based Blockchains: We provide an abstract framework for formally analyzing and defining useful security properties for Proof-of-Stake (POS) based blockchain protocols. Interestingly, for some of our applications, POS based protocols are more suitable. We believe our framework and assumptions would be useful in building applications on top of POS based blockchain protocols even in the future. 2. Blockchains as an Alternative to Trusted Setup Assumptions in Cryptography: A trusted setup, such as a common reference string (CRS) has been used to realize numerous systems in cryptography. The paragon example of a primitive requiring trusted setup is a non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) system. We show that already existing blockchains systems including Bitcoin, Ethereum etc. can be used as a foundation (instead of a CRS) to realize NIZK systems. The novel aspect of our work is that it allows for utilizing an already existing (and widely trusted) setup rather than proposing a new one. Our construction does not require any additional functionality from the miners over the already existing ones, nor do we need to modify the underlying blockchain protocol. If an adversary can violate the security of our NIZK, it could potentially also take over billions of dollars worth of coins in the Bitcoin, Ethereum or any such cryptocurrency! We believe that such a trusted setup represents significant progress over using CRS published by a central trusted party. Indeed, NIZKs could further serve as a foundation for a variety of other cryptographic applications such as round efficient secure computation (Katz and Ostrovsky, CRYPTO 2004 and Horvitz and Katz, CRYPTO 2007). 3. One-time programs and pay-per use programs: Goldwasser et al. (CRYPTO 2008) introduced the notion of one time program and presented a construction using tamper-proof hardware. As noted by Goldwasser et al., clearly a one-time program cannot be solely software based, as software can always be copied and run again. While there have been a number of follow up works (Goyal et al., TCC 2010, Bellare et al., ASIACRYPT 2012, and Applebaum et al., SIAM Journal on Computing 2015), there are indeed no known constructions of one-time programs which do not rely on self destructing tamper-proof hardware (even if one uses trusted setup or random oracles). Somewhat surprisingly, we show that it is possible to base one-time programs on POS based blockchain systems without relying on trusted hardware. Our ideas do not seem to translate over to Proof-of-Work (POW) based blockchains. We also introduce the notion of pay-per-use programs which is simply a contract between two parties --- service provider and customer. A service provider supplies a program such that if the customer transfers a specific amount of coins to the provider, it can evaluate the program on any input of its choice once, even if the provider is offline. This is naturally useful in a subscription based model where your payment is based on your usage

    Constant Round Non-Malleable Protocols using One Way Functions

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    We provide the first constant round constructions of non-malleable commitment and zero-knowledge protocols based only on one-way functions. This improves upon several previous (incomparable) works which required either: (a) super-constant number of rounds, or, (b) non-standard or sub-exponential hardness assumptions, or, (c) non-black-box simulation and collision resistant hash functions. These constructions also allow us to obtain the first constant round multi-party computation protocol relying only on the existence of constant round oblivious transfer protocols. Our primary technique can be seen as a means of implementing the previous ``two-slot simulation idea in the area of non-malleability with only black-box simulation. A simple modification of our commitment scheme gives a construction which makes use of the underlying one-way function in a black-box way. The modified construction satisfies the notion of what we call \emph{non-malleability w.r.t. replacement}. Non-malleability w.r.t. replacement is a slightly weaker yet natural notion of non-malleability which we believe suffices for many application of non-malleable commitments. We show that a commitment scheme which is non-malleable only w.r.t. replacement is sufficient to obtain a (fully) black-box multi-party computation protocol. This allows us to obtain a constant round multi-party computation protocol making only a black-box use of the standard cryptographic primitives with polynomial-time hardness thus directly improving upon the recent work of Wee (FOCS\u2710)

    Anomaly Detection and Failure Prediction in Gas Turbines

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    This study is based on time-series data taken from the combined cycle heavy-duty utility gas turbines. For analysis, first, a multi-stage vector autoregressive model is constructed for the nominal operation of powerplant assuming sparsity in the association among variables, and this model is used as a basis for anomaly detection and prediction. This prediction is compared with the time-series data of the powerplant test data containing anomalies. Granger causality networks, which are based on the associations between the time series streams, can be learned as an important implication from the vector autoregressive modelling. This method suffers from the disadvantage that some of the variables are not stationary even after segmenting the working mode based on the RPM. To improve the efficacy of the algorithm, the observations are further clustered into different working modes, because of the heterogeneous behavior of the gas turbine parameters under various modes. Then predicting the operational parameters is considered under each mode respectively, via algorithms including random forest, generalized additive model, and neural networks. The comparative advantage based on prediction accuracy and applicability of the algorithms is discussed for real-time use and post processing. The advantage of this segmentation method is that it achieves high predictive power and provides insight into the behavior of specific gas turbine variables. Next, the long-memory behavior of residuals is modeled, and heterogeneous variances are observed from the residuals of the generalized additive model. Autoregressive Fractionally Integrated Moving Average (ARFIMA) and Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (GARCH) models are employed to fit the residual process, which significantly improve the prediction. Rolling one-step-ahead forecast is studied. Numerical experiments of abrupt changes and trend in the blade-path temperature are performed to evaluate the specificity and sensitivity of the prediction. The prediction is sensitive given reasonable signal-to-noise ratio and has lower false-positive rate